Jul 15, 2010

IF: Diary

"Dear Diary..."
watercolor & colored pencil

Started the sketch yesterday, finished the painting at 2am today.  Nothin' like feeling satisfied with progress.  :)


Anonymous said...

Very nice.
And what have you done this quickly.
Greeting Ineke

Holly Durr Art said...

So pretty Sara, I love the tea set and adds a nice touch to the painting :)

Amanda said...

Lovely! Her striped tights are so cute. I love your color palette!

Sara Burrier said...

I was teaching my niece the other night how to draw fairies, and my example had striped tights. She just made me want to draw them even more. She said "OOOOoohhhhh those are cuuuuuute!!!!". She's almost 7 years old. :)

k.h.whitaker said...

I agree, getting something done so quickly is very satisfying and this is so cute :)

Bobo said...

So beautiful!

Brooke Boynton-Hughes said...

This is wonderful! What a lovely scene :)

Unknown said...

beautiful work!

michele said...

Lovely, enchanting watercolor! :o)

Shikishin said...

this is beautiful D:!!! love it!!

pat said...

Beautiful work.

Manelle said...

this is really great! nice work.

roberto M. said...

Sara!! This is wonderful, delicate work.
Excellent drawer and very good acuarelist.
147 I'm your fan!

Linda Hensley said...

So sweet! She has a lovely face.

Jade said...


Unknown said...

Wow, this is amazing!So gentle, so pretty...I love your works!

Francesca D. said...

Ooooo, beautiful paint!!! I love mushroom! Night is the ideal time to paint!

theartofpuro said...

Wonderful illo!

Anonymous said...

wow, I absolutely love the colors and all the little detail. mushrooms! <3
my watercolor scans never turn out like this.. may I ask how you do it? any tips on scanning settings and/or clean up?